So, I've been super lazy and not updating, but also because not much has happened in Dirty Dodge, so I had to wait until enough exciting things piled up to warrant a post. Probably the most exciting thing was Tyler finally got a new car. His old car (a '96 Taurus he has had since his sophomore year of high school), was on it's last legs. The air-conditioning had gone out three years back and some brake issues were the straw that broke the camel's back. He fell in love with (another) '08 Taurus in Dodge and brought it home a few weeks ago! Now I no longer have to listen to him whine about the heat and ask me to drive constantly because my a/c works. Huzzah!
I also started work! The people all seem very nice, and I'm also getting to work reference, which is a nice change from circulation. Also, I'm not a regularly scheduled shelver, which after 3.5 years of doing it for 3 hours a week, is HEAVEN. Don't get me wrong, its not that bad of a job..I'm just ready for something different. :)
And grad school has also began! I'm just starting week two, and a program completely online is interesting. I had only previously taken one or two completely online classes before, and they were for gen. ed. requirements, so they weren't that challenging. However, since there is a little more riding on these classes, I'm extra-anxious to make sure I'm doing okay. Mostly, I'm hoping to avoid any dumb mistakes when posting comments so that no one hates me.
Baha Dirty Dodge sounds SO exciting! I had no idea there was such a different between circulation and reference desk work. :) CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU.